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Manifesting IRL (in real life)


When I say the word manifestation, you might think of dreaming up a desire and POOF, it arrives.  I also bet you think you're not a good manifester.  I get it, this idea still comes to mind from time to time and I know better.  I can get a little petulant at times.  A little like Veruca Salt in Willy Wonka…”I want it and I want it now!”  But true manifestation doesn’t look like wishing upon a star and opening your door the next morning to the thing you hoped for.  Not in real life anyway.  It requires hope, faith, and good energy but it also requires action on your part.  That’s the part that gets most people.


I'd like to tell you a story…


I led my group coaching program through a visioning process called My Magical 2024 in December 2023.  We used the power of the new moon to get clear on what we wanted for the upcoming year.  Knowing what you want is the first step in manifesting.  Without a clear picture, you can’t take the the necessary steps to get it. 


It’s funny, as I type “My Magical 2024”, the title strikes me.  A manifestation that I didn’t even realize had come to fruition for me.  I wanted to add more ‘magic’ into my life and here we are 10 months later with me using magic in my everyday life and even helping others to do the same with Michele’s Magic Hour.  But I digress.


One of my greatest desires for 2024 was travel.  I love to see and experience new places but rarely have the opportunity to do so.  It felt like a beautiful focal point for 2024.


Like I said before, manifesting is more than just wishing.  It’s a process that often requires time and definitely requires action on your part, but that action might look different that you think.


Some background on the situation…


I make private label candles for a beautiful, little store in Moultonborough, NH.  How this came about is another little story of divine timing, inspired action, and manifestation, but I’ll save that one for another day.  The woman who owns the store is a life coach and hosts a bi-annual spiritual retreat in Aruba.  We met around the time of her retreat last year.  She came back glowing from a successful event, telling me I had to come along next year.  This would be just my kind of thing but I knew the chances of pulling it off were slim. I appreciated the offer but didn't hold onto it. However, unbeknownst to me, a seed had been planted.


The next time I saw my friend, she was actively signing people up for the retreat and mentioned it to me again.  No closer to feeling like I could make it a reality, I was honest with her.  “It sounds so amazing, but it’s not in the budget, currently.”  One thing you need to know about my friend, she is a master manifester.  I've actually never seen anything like it. So, when she said, “We are going to manifest this.  It’s going to happen.  You need to come.", I kind of believed her.


Time moved on and summer was approaching. Nearly halfway through the year and no big travel plans on the horizon.  Maybe this 'travel in 2024' thing was a bust. That’s when my friend reached out to me with a proposition.  She asked, “Would you consider offering Reiki to the attendees of the retreat in exchange for a significant discount on the investment?”  Of course, this intrigued me, but I knew I would still need to come up with the rest of the investment and my airfare.  It still seemed like a longshot, but a voice inside told me not to write it off just yet. I told her I'd consider it.


That weekend, I attended a family party.  I was sitting next to my brother, and we were chit-chatting.  I told him about my friend's generous offer and my inability to take her up on it.  My brother is a frequent flyer.  Without skipping a beat, he offered to cover my plane ticket with his miles.  Now, it seemed, this thing had legs.  Maybe I was truly meant to go on this trip?


This led to a few conversations with my husband. We ultimately decided that this opportunity seemed destined to be and we would make it work.  I told my friend I was in and sent her a deposit. 


All through this process, it wasn’t lost on me that my #1 manifestation for 2024 was travel and that I actually had no plan, at the time of making it a goal of mine, to make that a reality. When you believe in magic, magical things can happen.


Not long after I sent the deposit, I was talking with my dad, telling him all about this trip and how it came about.  About a week later, I received a birthday card from him with a check tucked inside for the balance of the trip.


I couldn't believe it.  A trip outside of the country, to a place I’ve never been before, completely paid for by the very generous people in my life.  A dream come true but…


Aside from the generosity of the people who love me, some important things also needed to happen.


When manifesting, there is usually the need to say “yes” several times along the way even though it scares you.  It’s not like hitting the lottery.  The big check doesn’t just arrive, you need to work for it.  As I mentioned before, there is a need for inspired action.  That action often comes in the form of a willingness to step outside of your comfort zone.  If your desire were within the realm of your comfort zone, you wouldn’t need to manifest it - it would already be.


First, I needed to be open to travelling with a group of strangers.  This would have been too much for me to handle if I hadn’t had some other yeses along the way.  In 2021 I said yes to attending a Spiritual Women’s Retreat in Vermont.  Saying yes and following through on that experience was a precursor for a lot of wonderful things in my life.  I took inspired action by saying yes to a big fat nudge from the Universe and it was terrifying, but it changed my life in so many ways, including making this trip a possibility.


Second, I needed to be willing to accept help.  I have done a lot of healing in this area.  In the past, I would have declined all of the offers.  I always had trouble receiving.  A lot of us women do.  We’ve been conditioned to give but not receive.  To put everyone else first and ourselves last.  In order to say yes to the help generously offered to me, I had to do the work of challenging those beliefs, strengthening my feelings of worthiness, and becoming open to receiving.

There have been so many practical steps that could have deterred me. Covid created a level of social anxiety within me that didn't exist before. Leaving my home, navigating international travel, and leaving my kids are all stress-inducing. I have had to push through it and will have to until I'm home again. To me, it's worth pushing through to have the experience but it's something that needs to be considered.


There is lots more that went in to making this dream a reality but I’ll leave it there.  I think you get the point. 


You see, it actually takes a lot for ‘the magic’ to happen, but it doesn’t make it any less magical.  The magic is in process.  The magic is in the power you hold to create what you desire.  If you feel like your manifestations never come true, I’d start by looking into your fears and what’s keeping you from saying yes.


In two days, we have a portal that can supercharge your manifestations.  The new moon (known for being a prime time to begin your manifestation process) will be on 11/1 aka 111. 


On this new moon, you have the opportunity to be cosmically supported in your manifestations but you still need to do the work.

Get clear on what you desire.

Be willing to say yes to the opportunities sent your way.

If fear gets in the way, find a way to work through it.


Keep track.  I bet you’re manifesting more than you think and perhaps not in the way you desire.  You can manifest difficulty too.  Your thoughts are powerful.  Don’t forget that.


Happy manifesting, magical beings!


Until next time…


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