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Crafted with care and intention, our Self-love Spell Jar is designed to help you manifest unconditional love, self-acceptance, confidence, and inner peace. Filled with powerful herbs, crystals, and other mystical items, this spell jar is a potent tool for attracting joy, happiness, and healing into your life. Whether you are looking to boost your self-esteem, overcome past traumas, or simply nurture a deeper sense of self-love, this enchanting jar can serve as a potent reminder of your worth and value. Keep it near your bed, on your desk, or carry it with you as a token of the love and positivity you deserve. Embrace the magic of self-love and let this spell jar be your guide on the journey toward greater self-empowerment and contentment.


Pink sea salt - purification & protection

Rose - love

Lavender - calming love, peace, balance, purification

Chamomile - protection, purification, good luck, prosperity, relaxation

Orange Peel - sunny and uplifting

Cinnamon - prosperity, protection, love, passion, healing, success, and raises vibration

Rosemary - peace & protection

Oregano - joy

Thyme - courage, strength, peace, protection, harmony

Hibiscus - love, clarity of mind & thoughts, happy dreams

Butterfly pea - truth, joy, power, courage, strength, positivity

Jasmine - positive energy, sensuality, healing, compassion, forgiveness

Rose Quartz - heart balancing, love, confidence, calming, harmony

The charm will vary.


The jar is infused with the intentions of unconditional love, self-love, self-acceptance, confidence, courage, peace, joy, happiness, healing, and love.


Activate your spell jar by:

In the presence of your jar...

1. Connect with your heart space. It may help to think about someone or something you love very deeply.

2. Allow your heart space to fill up completely with this feeling of love and any other feelings that speak strongly to you.

3. Direct that feeling towards yourself.


Recite these or any affirmations that resonate with you:


I am loved.

I love myself unconditionally.

I support myself unconditionally.

I treat myself with love and respect.

I honor myself.

I am worthy of love.


Be sure to give your spell jar some love and attention every once in a while, reactivating it from time to time.

Self-love Spell Bottle

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